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More than just tasks

Are you familiar with terms like tasks, projects, estimated budgets, and project management? But what about social responsibility and nonprofit organizations?
The 5-Star Planet® model offers you an organizational solution to bring transparency, impact, and synergy to your projects. By integrating it into project management, you will responsibly distribute the generated profit and support social initiatives, transforming contributors' efforts into measurable benefits.
We invite corporations to implement a 5-Star Planet® project integrated with own CSR department, aligning corporate values with a positive social impact. Join an initiative that fosters the development of responsible partnerships.
Contact us for a presentation or follow us on to discover more about the package we’ve prepared for corporations.

Switch to Contributors

Build your team around your company culture

By emphasizing the company's mission and adopting a collaborative approach
   ◾ with ambitious persons who want to add their know-how and become investors
   ◾ with people who want to be fairly and transparently rewarded for the amount of work done
   ◾ with all those who want to have a direct impact on the social causes they support

What’s in it for me as Contributor?

   ◾ Before breakeven: The values of your task based contributions are see like investments. They will reflect your profit-share.
   ◾ After breakeven: Your contribution is paid according to your profit-shares.
More money spilled, more gain for everyone

What’s in it for my community?

Each Contributor will choose a Nonprofit or a Social Cause where your startup will make a sponsorship, corresponding to his profit-share and official engagement.
Value of the sponsorship = directly proportional to the company profits and with the Contributor's added value

Discover the benefits as a business!

1. Cost reduction!
A single contract applicable to everyone will significantly reduce operating costs in the early years of the startup.
2. Transparency and sinergy!
Through the management of contributions by departments, everyone will understand the value of their input and the estimated budget.
3. Profit-Driven for everyone!
Guiding growth and building a contributor community by prioritizing profit over exit from day one.
Let's build a 5–star hotel planet for all beings
Your commitment
GROUPnTRAVEL is a marketplace matching nonprofits with hotels or holiday rentals.
Start building a 5-star community around your hotel.